Getting started



There are 3 waysopen in new window to install any WordPress plugin. You can use whichever suits you best to install Money Manager.

  • Automatic Plugin Installation. Use Money Manager keyword to search for the plugin.
  • Upload via WordPress Admin and Manual Plugin Installation. Download the plugin zip file from this pageopen in new window.

Importing sample data

After activating the plugin, you will be taken to the welcome page where you can import sample data.

Import sample data

Sample data is a few accounts, categories and transactions that will be created in Money Manager so that you can immediately see the functionality of the plugin and become familiar with its reports.

We recommend that you get started with Money Manager by importing sample data. In addition, there are not many sample entries, so you can always easily delete them or rename them to the ones you need.

Last Updated: 7/12/2022, 3:50:00 PM
Contributors: Vladimir